Create New TEAMLOCUS WORLD Account

First Name
Last Name

Verify your Email Address

For your security, TeamLocus will send an Email with verification code.

Please Enter Email Address.
We've sent you an email with a 4 digit code. Please check and enter the code here to complete verification.

Verify your Mobile Number

For your security, TeamLocus will send a SMS with OTP.

Please Enter Mobile Number.
We've sent you a sms with a 4 digit code. Please check and enter the code here to complete verification.
Your Suggested User Name is {{newusername}}
Email Id is {{newusername}}

  Thank you for Signing up !


User Name  :  {{newusername}}
Your Email   :  {{newemailid}}
Chat UserName   :  {{newusername}}@world

Change your Password now.

New Password     
Confirm Password

You can change password later from Custom Settings.
Click on your user name found Top Right of screen.

Note: Your email handle for communicating to and from TeamLocus is


Confidentiality Policy / Terms and Conditions
TeamLocus, its personnel and affiliates have a strict confidentiality policy regarding user information.
It is our unequivocal intention to keep safe your name, email, phone #s and any data provided by you using up to date cybersecurity safe guards. We will never knowingly disseminate information to any non affiliated, 3rd party entity, without your knowledge and explicit permission.

We do require you to use decorous standards when using TeamLocus for personal, social or business use.